I can't believe that I have three huge things to look forward to. I've had tickets to see Bassnectar on New Years Eve since the beginning of October, (and I'm proud to say I'm one of three thousand people that bought their ticket within the 10 minutes that they all sold out)! Then, I will be attending the second "Bass Center" in Asheville, NC where Bassnectar will be playing, along with the the Glitch Mob, Filastine, Super Dre, and Ana Sia ..and others will continue to be added. Then the third music event I will be attending is Ultra Music Festival in Miami, FL. I really can't contain my excitement for all of these, especially Ultra as Ultra will be 3 full days of most of my favorite electronic artists!!!
I had my NYE tickets first, and then I bought my tickets to Ultra Music Festival, but I just recently found out about Bassnectar in Asheville and snatched my early bird tickets on December 3rd. I'm hoping I don't get "burned out" since Bassnectar will most likely be at Ultra too! But I'm not sure how that will be possible considering Bassnectar is my favorite music artist right now. As for the "Bass Center," I'm assuming it is called this as a play on words for big venues where many artists get together and play in one night. Bassnectar started this idea of a Bass Center, and held the first Bass Center out West on Oct. 23rd. On that website you can see how many acts performed, and how many more could be added to the one in Asheville. If you're interested in Bass Center Tickets for the show in Asheville on February 19th, click that link. Early bird tickets are already sold out but more go on sale December 10th - better get on the ball!
Ultra has not even posted their line up for the festival this year yet. Yeah, that's how awesome it is going to be - Kevin and I bought our tickets without even knowing who was going to be playing! We will be going to Miami, FL that weekend (March 25-27), and this year Ultra is a 3 day event instead of 2 days like it was last year. That means manyyy more artists can be added, and I'm so excited about that. Here was the lineup for Ultra 2010 just to give you an idea of how awesome this year is going to be...as it can only get better.
So anyways, this was more of an "informative" blog post about my upcoming music events that I highly advise others to go to! I can't wait to talk about them all after they happen. I also gotta do some bragging on the video you see below. I created it myself and it is a collaboration of all the shows I've been this past year. I currently have 380 views which I'm super pumped about! Haha, I'm also really excited for my next video that will include everything I just talked about above...and more I'm sure! The next video will also be of better quality, as I'm going to try and upgrade what I currently use to video to something a little more fancy, since I'm apparently really into that kind of thing now :) Also check out some of my other videos on YouTube at kcdavmusic.
PS-I'm also attending Conspirator on December 16th in Raleigh. Conspirator is made up of two guys (Aron & Marc) from the Disco Biscuits and a "rotating cast of the best drummers in the country." Excited since I just saw Bisco at Moog!