Upcoming Topics!


Thievery Corporation in Vail, CO 4/9

Rusko at the 1st Bank Center - 4/20

Nero at Ogden Theatre - 4/24

Bassnectar at Red Rocks - 6/1 & 6/2

STS9 at Red Rocks - 6/16

Saturday, December 10, 2011

BEATS ANTIQUE at The Fillmore - Denver, CO 12/3/11

Beats Antique 12/3/11
What an awesome and interesting night this was. Beats Antique is such a cool music group. They are considered to be in the electronic music genre because of the electronic sounds/bass they incorporate into their music, but they also all play many different instruments and have people come on stage to add to the performance as well. For those who aren't familiar with Beats Antique at all, here is a little blurb from their website:

"Growing like wildfire under the canopy of live electonica and world roots music comes a masterful merge of modern technology, live instrumentation and seductive performance, built of brass bands and glitch, string quartets and dubstep: the musical trio Beats Antique."

Opening for Beats Antique on this night was Tipper and Alex Grey and Allyson Grey live painting for the audience. This was such an awesome thing to see because his painting are like nothing I've ever seen. Alex Grey is known worldwide for his paintings and his artwork can be spotted all around the city of Denver. (I actually bought a Calendar of his paintings today!) Alex Grey's paintings "takes the viewer on both a graphic and visionary journey through the physical, metaphysical and spiritual anatomy of the self. Grey's portrayals of human beings blend scientific exactitude with depictions of universal life energy, enabling us to redefine both our world and ourselves." To learn more about his work, visit his website. Here's a picture I took of one of his paintings on the large screen at the concert.

Alex Grey & Allyson Grey live painting at The Fillmore before Beats Antique 12/3/11
Tipper was an awesome act before Beats Antique as well. I had heard great things about him before the show and he was really good and went well with the Beats Antique vibe everyone had that night. If you visit his website, you can listen to all of his music for free just by clicking on an album and then the song name. Beats Antique put on an awesome show as usual - and I was so excited for them to be the headliner of the show for once so my focus could be 100% on them. They played a sick Bassnectar remix of his song "Voo Doo." Here's a video I found on YouTube for that... and may I warn you to only listen and not watch. This video might make you dizzy haha! For a more steady video, you can watch one I took from the show below. It's not of the Bassnectar remix though, but it's still cool to watch!

I'm headed to see ill.Gates this weekend! I have never seen him before and am really excited about it. I'm sure I'll be telling you how ILL it was next week ;-)


Friday, December 9, 2011

"Nectarine Nation" Mix by DroppinFresh [Brannan Doyle]

Hey everybody! My friend Brannan Doyle sent me this sick Bassnectar inspired mix the other day and I wanted to share it with all of my readers! Brannan told me that the idea behind this mix was to work in a bunch of random tracks that Bassnectar has been playing lately at his shows, but that aren't his own catalog releases. If you have been to a Bassnectar show recently, you'll definitely recognize these songs. Check out the mix below, and make sure you got a good 45 minutes to listen to the whole thing. Cause it's sickkk! (Remember to mute my music playlist on the right).

  NectarineNation by DroppinFresh

If you liked what you heard you can check out Brannan's Soundcloud page where he's got some more fun mixes he put together. You can also download the mix above right from his page too! This mix made me so excited for the next time I get to see Bassnectar because Lorin keeps it so fresh and original by playing all of his own songs, but then he adds in the sickest, newest songs that nobody really has heard yet. Unfortunately I won't be making it to his show on New Years Eve, but I'll be seeing him next at Snowball Music Festival in March. I CANNOT WAIT.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

PANTYRAID With NIT GRIT & PROJECT ASPECT - The Fillmore, Denver CO 11/19/11

Pantyraid, picture from Pantyraid's Facebook
I really enjoyed Pantyraid, Nit Grit, and Project Aspect last weekend at The Fillmore! I was so excited to see Pantyraid for the first time, even though it didn't really feel like it at first since I have seen Marty Party and The Glitch Mob so many times before! (Pantyraid is made up of Josh Mayer [Ooah] from The Glitch Mob, and Marty Folb from Marty Party). They really are a great duo and I wasn't expecting a lot of the songs that they played. I'm used to more chill songs from them, but they definitely played some crazy stuff. I'm most familiar with both of their other music, so when I got to hear what they had cooked up for this Denver show, it was really fun and refreshing. I love how they take part in Pantyraid for fun - kind of like a "side" project to their main works of music. They don't go on tour but they book shows about once a month around the country, so I'm glad I caught one! (They are looking to tour in the future though, just when the time is right). Check out the video below that Westword of Denver put on their webpage. Remember to mute my music playlist.

We made it up to the front rail during Pantyraid and I was enjoying the music so much that I didn't take a video of my own! So I hope the one above made up for it. I took one of Project Aspect though, an electronic music artist based out of Denver, Colorado! He was AWESOME. I can't wait to see him again in Colorado soon (he's playing with Love & Light on February 4th in Denver to be exact)! Nit Grit was great too! Here is one of my favorite songs that's by him, sooo sick! - "Know Us" - Love & Light (Nit Grit Remix)

Next weekend - Beat's Antique at The Fillmore! (where else?) Can't WAIT!
-Kaycie :-)

Friday, November 18, 2011

SAVOY & THE POLISH AMBASSADOR - The Fillmore, Denver CO 11/11/11

Hello everyone! I tried to get in touch with Savoy or The Polish Ambassador about being guest listed for this show and when I finally got in contact with them, they didn't have anymore spots! But whatdya know, at the last minute literally hours before the show, I won two VIP passes from The Polish Ambassador himself! Getting tickets for free every now and then is the only way to survive in Denver, Colorado where there are three or four good shows to go to a week!
The Polish Ambassador - The Fillmore, Denver CO 11/11/11
Unfortunately when I got there The Polish Ambassador had already started so I didn't get to see his entire set,  but I caught a video of him towards of the end that you can view below! (Remember to mute my music playlist). A quote from Swaager, who wrote a review of the show said, "Rocking his $3.99 thrift store bought, bright neon-colored jump suit, David Sugalski, aka The Polish Ambassador, set the tone for an unforgettable night with his unique sound that always gets the crowd bouncing. Using an eclectic combination of 80's pop synth, hip hop, and new age electro, The Polish Ambassador achieved a truly innovative sound that we have not found anywhere else." For the entire review from Swaager about The Polish Ambassador and Savoy at The Fillmore, check out this link, it's a pretty awesome review!
The Polish Ambassador - The Fillmore, Denver CO 11/11/11

Next up was Savoy. I love Savoy, mainly because of the dubstep songs they've been throwing out during their sets. (Most of their songs sound like house to me, but they do have an electronic dance-hall rock-and-roll style as well).  I am obsessed with their song "I'm In Need" that I talked about in an earlier blog post when I saw them before STS9 at Red Rocks this past September. BUT, there is still this unknown song that I need. to. know. the name of! On their website it is listed as "DIY preview," so maybe DIY is the name? Anywho, when these two songs came on I most definitely wasn't holding my video camera steady. So once again, I don't have a video of this SICK song but trust me - go see them live and you'll hear it. Here is someone's video from their Red Rocks show of the song if you want to know what I'm talking about. Soooo good! If anyone knows somewhere else to find the real name, hit me up! Below is a video I took during their set. As you'll be able to tell, their lazers are amazing too!

Savoy - The Fillmore, Denver CO 11/11/11

Thanks for reading! I'm headed to Pantyraid this Saturday which is going to be a great time. Pantyraid is made up of Ooah from The Glitch Mob and MartyParty! So you know them two put together will make for some good music.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011


WOAH! What an awesome weekend I just had packed full of great music! Friday night Kevin & I went to see Paper Diamond with Minnesota, and Saturday we saw Infected Mushroom with Jantsen! Both at the Ogden Theatre in Denver. Then later on Saturday night we stumbled upon Funtcase at a venue called Cervantes.
Minnesota at Ogden Theatre, Denver CO 11/4/11
Minnesota played some awesome songs on Friday night. We got to the venue right when he started and for a second I had to make sure it wasn't Paper Diamond, because the entire venue was packed and raging like he was the main act. I had heard really good things about Minnesota before this weekend and now I can see why because Minnesota puts together a great set. I was most familiar with his remix of "Push It" before seeing him so when I heard this one come on I took a video. It remixes into some other songs too! Check it out below. (Remember to mute my music playlist!)

Paper Diamond was next and he was really good too! I loved his set up with his lights on stage and it cracked me up how he was waving his iPad in the air to his music, as you can see in my video below. I had only seen him once before but only for a little bit because he came on at 4am at Starscape Music Fest and it was getting pretty late at that point of the day-long festival! If you go to this website and scroll down, you can download Paper Diamond's "Levitate" EP for FREE! Along with a lot of other sick music on that website including Paul Basic, SuperVision, Gramatik, Break Science, and Michal Menert (all are on the Pretty Lights record label). The crowd is going nuttts in my Paper Diamond video!

Paper Diamond at Ogden Theatre, Denver CO 11/4/11

Saturday night we got to the Ogden Theatre again just in time for Jantsen! Jantsen, who has made numerous songs with Bassnectar (like "Red Step" and "Ready 2 Rage") is an awesome electronic music artist that lives right here in Denver, CO! I try to see him every chance I get (possibly again this Wednesday night for free!) but the first time I saw him before Skism it really was a sick show that sold me over as a fan. In my opinion, he is definitely an artist worth checking out. I'm bummed I don't have a video of him to show.. I'm assuming I was too into his set to stop and take a video!

Juiceboxbox Photographing Jantsen at Ogden Theatre, Denver CO 11/5/11
Jantsen, picture from Facebook
After Jantsen was Infected Mushroom which I have to say was quite interesting! Their music is not like most of the electronic music concerts I go to and write about, but since it was an electronic music event on the night of Kevin's birthday, AND because Jantsen was opening, we decided to check it out. Infected Mushroom's style incorporates guitars and heavy bass along with vocals. They have some sick lazers and lights too! Besides the normal stuff, they had this blow-up mushroom doll on stage that I thought looked pretty hilarious and awesome. The vocals guy also was extremely energetic (as was the whole group really) but he was literally jumping up and down the whole time, spinning in circles, and getting the crowd pumped up - having a great time. We enjoyed watching them and afterwards we headed to another venue to catch the end of Funtcase. I had heard of him before, but I had no idea how good he was going to be!

Infected Mushroom at Ogden Theatre, Denver CO 11/5/11
My camera died at Funtcase so I couldn't catch the sickest songs he played, but I did get one video that shows some of his set. This weekend was definitely fun and I'm glad I got to experience some new artists for the first time!

Talk again soon - November in Denver is FILLED with awesome music!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

MIMOSA at The Fillmore, Denver CO 10/29/11

Out of all the things I could have chosen to do this past Halloween weekend, I'm so glad Mimosa was one of the shows I picked because he threw down hard!
Mimosa at the Fillmore, Denver CO 10/29/11
Mimosa, also known as Tigran Mimosa, has not been around as long as most of the music artists in this industry. Although he is rather new, he is doing pretty darn well for himself (the Fillmore was packed full this weekend) and I'd say it's not only because of his song-making, but because of the energetic performance he gives while on stage. I had seen him a couple of times before this show, but this one was my favorite and the most different as he played many new songs that he has taken a whole new direction with. He also was extremely enjoying himself on stage (I personally love witnessing this), which shows his passion for his own music. He definitely dropped some 'bangers' and needless to say I extremely enjoyed this concert! With Mimosa's sick songs and everyone's happy energy from the Halloween costumes, this past Saturday made for a great night at The Fillmore for Mimosa. Check out two of my videos from his show below. (Remember to mute my music playlist).

You can tell the second video is a bit crazier than the first... told you the crowd was loving it! I can't wait for Mimosa to come back to Colorado!
I'm headed to Paper Diamond and Infected Mushroom this weekend. Look for those blog posts next week! If you want to know when it's actually been posted, check out my blog's Facebook Page for updates. Thanks guys!


Sunday, October 23, 2011


Wow. What an amazing weekend. I apologize for taking over a week to get this post out but I visited North Carolina last week from Denver and have been extremely busy. Anywho, I know you are here to see and hear about this unbelievable weekend! Let me get started...
Bassnectar - Picture taken by (SIC) Images
On October 14 and 15th in Alpharetta, GA last weekend, Bassnectar and Pretty Lights had the help of Beats Antique, Big Gigantic, SuperDre and Bonobo to create one of the most memorable weekends in the electronic music scene. FYI, the shows really WERE held in Alpharetta (a city about 45 minutes from ATL), although everyone including Lorin and Derek were calling the crowd "Atlanta." On the first night, Bonobo and Big Gigantic opened for Bassnectar and then Pretty Lights closed down the night - and on the second night, Super Dre and Beats Antique opened for Pretty Lights, and Bassnectar closed down the night. I unfortunately missed Bonobo and Big Gigantic due to flying in from the airport late in the day, but I heard both sets were awesome. Here's a picture from Big Gigantic's set below.

Dominic from Big Gigantic - picture by (SIC) Images
Bassnectar's set was so interesting the first night! Since he wasn't the closer on Friday, I assumed he didn't want to blow everyone's mind away with his usual 'Wildstyle' set, so he kept it extremely mellow. More mellow than I have ever seen from him before. Mellow for Bassnectar doesn't say TOO much, though. His chiller songs are still filled with massive basslines which is why I love his music so much in the first place. Here is one of my videos below to help you better understand what I'm talking about. (Remember to mute my music playlist on the right).

On this more mellow night he also played "Underwater" and other songs like it. After that was of course, Pretty Lights, and Derek put on an amazing show as well. He dropped "I Know The Truth" which I am obsessed with so anytime I see him and he plays that I know it's going to be a good night. Derek literally has million dollar lasers that make his show one of a kind. I can't wait for him to release some more new music! Check out my video below of his song "Total Fascination."

Pretty Lights in Alpharetta, GA
Night 2 was a whole other story than the first night. Not only did I get to see SuperDre open up the night, but Beats Antique was so much fun to see, as they always are. They are so different than the average electronic music group and I really love their music. They released a new album recently called "Elektrafone" - I definitely recommend it. Then what really made the weekend unforgettable is that Bassnectar got my friends and me into the "Pit" instead of where our original tickets in the "Lawn" were. Yes, THE Lorin of Bassnectar contacted me and did this for me. Needless to say I'm STILL freaking out about it!!! :-D So, because I was in the pit... I got some sick videos. Check them out.

Here is the family photo from Night 2! When you view this picture on his website in high resolution you can actually see me in it! Haha, obviously you can't in this one but below is Kellie Furr and myself before the show on Saturday night as well.. rockin' my Bassnectar shirt my sister gave me.
Bassnectar Family Photo Night 2 in Alpharetta, GA

To see more pictures from this event, check out my blog's Facebook Page. The Facebook Page also keeps you updated on the latest shows I will be attending, and other fun things I like to share that are music related! You can also check out more videos I took from this event at my YouTube channel. Thanks for the support everyone. :-)


PS- Shout out to all of my Bass Fam that I saw this weekend. It was SO great to see you all and I can't wait to do it again soon. Here's another video of why we all love Bassnectar (wait until about 40 seconds in). He takes the time to thank his fans! Love it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ill.Gates - New Album "The ill.Methodology" Out October 3rd!

Hey everyone! I've recently joined the promotional crew for ill.Gates, a producer who has collaborated with some of my favorites from the industry such as Bassnectar, Datsik, Mimosa, Ana Sia, and Vibesquad, and I'd like to share some information about his new album coming out on October 3rd! It is called The ill.Methodology and at this website, you can preview the 18 different tracks that he has created for this awesome new album. The album includes collaborations with Ben Samples, Ana Sia, Mimosa, Datsik, Opiuo, Masia One, Filastine, Dov, D. Schaerf, and more. Also on that website includes a free download of "Open Your Eyes" by ill.Gates and Captain Hook, then also the same song but the Bassnectar remix of it. From that link above you can also explore ill.Gate's website and discover more about who this interesting performer, educator, and artist is.
ill.Gates New Album Out October 3rd

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sound Tribe Sector 9 with Savoy at Red Rocks Amphitheatre - 9/10/11

Friends! I'm sorry this post has taken a week to get out to you, but I have been busy working every day this past week. It's Sunday now and I'd much rather write this than watch football! ;-)

First off I'm going to start with SAVOY. They absolutely ROCKED (like my pun?) the Red Rocks Amphitheatre last Saturday night. I've never seen so many people as into an opening act as people were for these guys. It was also super interesting how many people were actually enjoying Savoy since they have a very different style than STS9. STS9's genre-blending sound incorporates electronic music and instrumental rock with a touch of bass and Savoy doesn't have that instrumental rock sound at all. Savoy sounded very "house" to me however, what sold me over was the three dubstep songs they played. I'm not sure if it was just the massive sound system at Red Rocks but I was blown away by these songs (one of which I already knew), and they were so sick to hear live. I took a video of one of them - the other two I didn't video because I was too busy raging to them, for real. The video below is Savoy playing "Welcome to Jamrock" and if you click that link you can hear the version of the song on YouTube. Remember to mute my music playlist on the right-hand side of this page.

The other song they played that was amazing was "I'm In Need" and then the other one I still don't know the name of, but I found a video of it that someone else took, and it's worth the watch! Click here to watch it... trust me you won't regret it! And feel free to let me know the name of that song if you know it.
Savoy at Red Rocks 9/10/11
Savoy is coming back to Colorado in November to The Fillmore and I'm definitely planning on going! Next up... Sound Tribe Sector 9 (STS9)! This was by far the best show I've seen from STS9, as the past two shows of theirs that I've been to did not do them justice (venue's fault, not theirs). In my opinion, STS9 gives such a great performance and with the bass that they add to their music, their sound really makes for an awesome live experience. My camera did me good at this specific show too! I thought that my pictures from this show turned out pretty well.
STS9 at Red Rocks 9/10/11
STS9 at Red Rocks 9/10/11
Check out my two videos from STS9 at Red Rocks below!

STS9 played three nights in Colorado - first night at the Ogden Theatre and the last two at Red Rocks. On Friday night at Red Rocks, Snoop Dogg opened for STS9, if that tells you anything! I think they are the perfect amount of famous. Click here for STS9's tour dates and for my NC readers, they will be at MoogFest on Halloween weekend!

Check out my blog's Facebook Page for more of my pictures from Savoy and STS9 at Red Rocks!
Happy Sunday!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

WANT SOME NEW BASSNECTAR? Mixtape Available For Download!

San Diego Family Photo 9/10/11
Who ever doesn't want to hear some new and original Bassnectar? Word is Bassnectar was giving out "secret" download links to this mixtape (below) at his show last night in San Diego! It will officially be released this Tuesday, but I got it right now for you and it's so sick. I feel like Divergent Spectrum just came out all over again. There are new songs on this along with some that were on his most recent album, except they have been changed a little bit - you'll definitely be able to notice if you are familiar with the new album! Check. It. Out.

Directions: Go this this link and click the "Mediafire" link. Then click "Click here to start this download fro Mediafire."And there ya go! Enjoy 35 minutes of some new and extremely entertaining Bassnectar!

STS9 at Red Rocks blog post coming next! Get excited because their show was AMAZING and I got great pictures and videos.

Monday, September 5, 2011

PHISH - Commerce City, CO - September 3rd, 2011

Phish - Dicks Sporting Goods Park- Commerce City, CO 9/3/11
Well if you know who Phish is, you know they certainly don't need any PR as they have been around for decades and sell out almost every show. And when I say sell out, they aren't selling out 3 or 4,000 person venues. They sell out massive 20,000 person venues. Going to a Phish concert is really something that every person needs to experience at one point in time in their life. There is so much positive energy at a Phish show and you can't not be affected by the overall good mood that is being sent out throughout everyone in attendance. Besides the fact that Phish "phans" are thoroughly happy to be there, the guys of Phish put on an excellent show and do an amazing job at pleasing their fans each and every night. Phish fans are really one of a kind, and are so loyal to the band as well. Phish played in Commerce City, Colorado three nights in a row (for 4 hours each night!), and on the first night every single song they played started with an "S", which I thought was pretty cool and interesting. I attended the second night, a Saturday, and they ended their 3-day run on Sunday, September 4th. Check out two of the videos I took from Phish below the picture - remember to pause my music playlist!
Phish - Dicks Sporting Goods Park- Commerce City, CO 9/3/11

At every single Phish show, there is what's called "Shakedown Street" where Phish fans set up all different kinds of food and merchandise to sell. My good friends Anna and Brittany who are huge Phish fans, have many posters from this guy named Tripp who makes really amazing Phish concert posters for every single show. These posters have such a unique look to them and you definitely know they are one of Tripp's when you see them. Check out the one he made for this 3-day Colorado run and the one he made for the first Phish show I went to last July. He's an awesome artist!

And now I wish I was telling you that I was going to see Bassnectar this Wednesday in Albuquerque, NM since Kevin and I DID have tickets for the show, but being graduated from college and in the real world now, it is just not financially possible or practical. :-( Fortunately Sound Tribe Sector 9 is this coming weekend, which is going to be awesome since the show I'm going to is at Red Rocks! (STS9 is playing 3 nights in Colorado, one show at The Ogden Theatre and two at Red Rocks, WITH Snoop Dogg)!

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two Amazing Nights of Pretty Lights - The Fillmore & Red Rocks in Colorado

Check out this amazing video of both nights when Pretty Lights was in his home state of Colorado. RadioEditAV filmed both shows, edited this video to the song, by which Pretty Lights produced it. This song is a Pretty Lights version of a Led Zeppelin remix. I was at the Fillmore on the first night, but I watched the Red Rocks show on the mountain behind the venue the next night. As cool as being on the mountain was, I'm bummed I wasn't in the venue during this show...it looks AMAZING.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Mindelixir at Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom - Denver, Colorado 8/26/11

Mindelixir at Cervantes, Denver CO 8/26/11
This past Friday night Kevin, Anna Brown, Brittany Wilson and I went to see Mindelixir at Cervantes music venue. Bill Schimel (who is Mindelixir) is from North Carolina where we are all from, so it was really cool to see someone we all have already met and seen in concert before. Starkey was the headliner at this show, but my favorite of the night was definitely Mindelixir. As his music can be placed in the dubstep category, he's also got his own personal sound as he incorporates funky jazz with a infused blend of bass music. The first time I saw Mindelixir was before Marty Party and The Glitch Mob almost a year ago and he rocked that crowd so well that I knew it would be a good show again in Denver. He gets so into his music that you can clearly tell how much he loves what he does, and also lets out some pretty awesome bass faces that gets the crowd excited and makes you want to be just as into the songs as he is! And speaking of The Glitch Mob, around this time last year Mindelixir won their "Drive It Like You Stole It" remix competition, check out that song here!
Anna & me with Mindelixir, being nice & weird (-:
As you can tell from this totally normal picture above, we got the chance to hang out with Mindelixir and some other cool people backstage during Starkey's set. There are more weird pictures where this one came from too! Bill had some pretty funny ideas for pictures - needless to say it was a lot of fun hanging out with him. Anna also got on stage during his set and gave him a vodka shot! Haha, it was a great night. Definitely check this artist out!!! And watch my video of him from the concert below, remember to mute my music playlist.

Sorry for the extremely loud bass in this video, but as you can tell I was in the very front, so you can't really blame my camera! And in the words of Mindelixir, "Denver's going down, to as low as the system at Cervantes will go," ...so you can see why this video's bass is monstrous! Mindelixir also hooked me up with one of his most recent album's, "Doomsday Ticket" and I've really been enjoying it! It's on iTunes if you want to check that out as well.


Monday, August 22, 2011

MARTYPARTY at Fox Theatre, August 20th 2011

MartyParty at Fox Theatre - Boulder, CO
MartyParty never disappoints! This past Saturday night I went to see him at Fox Theatre in Boulder, Colorado and it was so much fun! Marty Folb, who is MartyParty, has so much energy and gives off such a positive vibe during his shows. I also was praising him like the nicest guy in the world because about an hour before his show, I tweeted at him asking if he could hook one of my friends up with a ticket because she didn't know it sold out. Within minutes he tweeted back at me and asked for the name, and when we got there she was on the guest list. How awesome was that? Little things like that really will make you a loyal fan, and just because he did that for me and for my friend Anna Brown, I'm a bigger fan than I already was! I had only seen MartyParty once before last year when he opened for Glitch Mob, and he had that crowd going nuts for him! It was like it was his show and that he wasn't being an opener for somebody. Definitely check out MartyParty if he is ever in your area! Check out my video from the concert below too. (Remember to mute my music playlist!)

@ MartyParty
Here's the very first MartyParty song I fell in love with, "Gangsteppin". Now I'm off to bed, goodnight!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Pendulum at Beta Nightclub 8/10/11
LAST WEEK WAS SO CRAZY!!! I'm so glad none of my favorites are in Denver this week because we needed a break (until this Saturday that is)! Last Wednesday I saw Pendulum, then Friday & Saturday was Pretty Lights, then Sunday was Ghostland Observatory & Thievery Corporation! Let me get started!

Pendulum played at Beta Nightclub in Denver, CO and was a "DJ set" meaning it was just one guy from the group instead of all of them. At festivals and such you might see Pendulum's name listed as "Pendulum LIVE" because they are known for playing all of their music completely live on the stage, including other instruments along with their electronic sounds. Unfortunately I don't have a good video from Pendulum due to the fact that the place was small so every video I got was blasted with bass, but I got a few good pictures. Pendulum was really good though, and I definitely got my share of drum and bass for a while! Pendulum's most recent album called "Immersion" came out in January and includes some of my favorites like "Witchcraft" and "Set Me On Fire". Really glad I got to hear one of the guys since Pendulum is one of the groups we missed at Ultra. "Dirt Monkey" was playing in another room at Beta Nightclub and he was sick! Kevin and I walked over to that room about three times just because his songs were good each time we walked in. Funny name but maybe he'll be getting bigger soon? Who knows.
Pretty Lights at The Fillmore, Denver CO 8/12/11
Derek of Pretty Lights absolutely killed it at The Fillmore this past Friday night. It seriously was one of the best concerts I've been to recently and I got the same euphoric feeling that I get at Bassnectar shows, especially during "I Know The Truth". I can't explain this feeling but it's truly amazing and no other music has ever made me feel this way, so when this happens it's absolutely mesmerizing (and this is a whole other conversation I'll have to have another time)!  I was so happy this concert was so good though because the last time I saw PL in Raleigh, NC it wasn't that great. The venue didn't allow the music to be loud enough at all, and Derek hadn't come out with "I Know The Truth" yet, which is one of my favorite songs to date. The lights and lazers are also what blew me away this time at The Fillmore. They were AMAZING. Million dollar lights for sure! I'll have to admit it was the best light shows I've ever seen. Check out my video below, it gets way better quality as it goes on, and the video really doesn't even do it justice how cool it looked in this venue - also remember to mute my music playlist on the right.
Here is another one of my Pretty Lights videos from this night if you are interested in seeing some views of the crowd. Below is my video of a brand new song Derek played especially for us in Colorado, where he is from! He talks for the first minute about playing it for us.
Since PL in Raleigh hadn't been so good for Kevin and me, we waited too long to buy our Pretty Lights Red Rocks tickets since we were questionable about going both nights, so of course it sold out like 3 months ago and we didn't get to go. However, not only did this save us money, but we got to experience a different side of Red Rocks that everyone has got to experience one time or another in their life. We literally hiked/climbed the mountain behind Red Rocks Amphitheatre, and watched the show from the mountain, along with many other groups of people spread out around the area. This climb was no joke either. I felt like I had just ran a marathon by the time I got to the spot where we watched the show, so if you ever decide to do this, wear tennis shoes and bring a flash light! Anyways, it was absolutely beautiful looking out over Morrison and Denver, Colorado, along with the sound being fabulous. You could hear every song perfectly, literally. I took many videos to prove it. I hate that the quality isn't better, but hey our only light source was the moon. Check it out.

Pretty Lights at Red Rocks, view from the mountain 8/13/11
Picture of Pretty Lights at Red Rocks from his website
After making it all the way up and then back down this mountain safely, I busted my butt walking down a hill into the parking lot. Haha, not cool! But other than that, this night was really fun and eventful. Eventful because we met a lot of interesting people on the mountain! You will too if you ever decide to do this, not to mention you see glow-sticks, cell-phone lights, and flash lights every direction you look! The next night was Ghostland Observatory and Thievery Corporation. Kevin and I have been excited for this one for months! 

Anna Brown & me, rocking my Ghostland shirt!
Ghostland Observatory is so good in concert. Kevin and I had seen them once before in Charleston last year, and we were so surprised at how good that show was that time that we knew to be excited for them at Red Rocks. I found it interesting that someone as upbeat and crazy as Ghostland was playing before Thievery Corporation, since Thievery's music is a lot more chill than Ghostland's, but it was a blast and I thought it was a great match. My videos from both of these are kind of nuts because it was raining, but I believe I still captured how sick the night was! The rain also made Ghostland's lazers look glittery, which was really cool. Ghostland & Thievery both use electronic synthesizers to make their music, but they also incorporate instruments live on stage as well. Thievery does this even more so than Ghostland as I'll describe after the Ghostland video below.
Ghostland Observatory is made up of two guys (one that ALWAYS wears a cape and plays the keyboard, gotta love it) and Thievery Corporation is mainly two guys (that started the whole group) but they incorporate many other instrumentalists and singers/rappers. Check Thievery out in this video below.
If you didn't know before, you can probably tell from that video that Thievery depicts many different type of genres, including reggae, classical Indian, and Middle Eastern. They also incorporate dub and have rappers that come on stage as well. They are really an awesome group and I own both of their newest albums, "It Takes A Thief", and "Culture of Fear" - both of which I highly recommend. Culture of Fear just recently came out and my favorite on the album is "Fragments" - this song relaxes me, I love it. :-)
Thievery Corporation
Thievery Corporation at Red Rocks 8/14/11
What a fun-filled week. And guess what? During the time it took to write this blog post I found out that someone good IS in Denver this week. Shoulda known. Minnesota is at Cervantes in Denver tonight. Kevin and I considered going at the last minute but we realized we just can't do it all out here! Haha, so we're looking forward to Marty Party this Saturday in Boulder. Apparently Big Gigantic, Paper Diamond, and Robotic Pirate Monkey will be playing in Boulder before Marty Party this Saturday too... GEEZE!!!! :-D

Talk to ya after Marty Party, who I know is going to be SICK!

Monday, August 8, 2011

FLUX PAVILION & DOCTOR P - Sold Out Fillmore in Denver, Colorado

WOW. I cannot believe Flux & Doctor P hadn't played in the "dubstep capital of America" until this past Saturday!!! They both were so pumped up for this show because they had been hearing things for weeks about how crazy this crowd was going to be for them, and we proved them right!
Crowd during Flux Pavilion & Doctor P - The Fillmore - Denver, CO
I was so excited for this show because not only are Flux Pavilion & Doctor P two of my top favorite music producers, but it was my birthday at midnight during the show! As soon as we got through the gates of the venue, there were Circus clowns walking around everywhere! To explain this, Flux Pavilion and Doctor P share a music label called "Circus Records." These guys not only come as a package deal pretty much wherever you see them, but they also have been really good friends for a long time. Everyone was loving the circus clowns! Including my best friend Anna and me (she just moved to Denver as well, how perfect?!)

I also thought The Fillmore was one of the coolest venues I've been to. You walk in having no idea what to expect since it looks like such a small building on a street corner, to find a huge dance floor and stage directly in front of you. The Fillmore in North Carolina is big just like this one, except the one in NC has many more elevated floors. They both share the gorgeous purple-ish/pink chandeliers though which I think are really cool and a nice touch! Doctor P isn't as popular as Flux Pavilion yet, but I know he's going to get there because everyone goes absolutely nuts at his shows, and I love every single one of his songs. Check out my video below of him dropping "Last One Standing", one of my favorites from him. (Remember to mute my music playlist).
I was surprised I didn't capture more of the crowd in that video, but don't you worry... check out THIS video below of Flux playing "Gold Dust"at the end of the show. Being that this song is probably his most popular, the crowd went insane!!!
Seriously if these two guys ever come to your town, do not miss the show. Tickets will sell out fast for these two and you can see why! If you liked what you heard in my first Doctor P video, check out some of these songs: "Sick Tonight" - "Star" - "Sweet Shop" - "Watch Out"- and these from Flux Pavilion: "All The Eastern Girls" - "Blue Skies" - "Haunt You" - "Lines In Wax" - or you can just YouTube them and find sick ones yourself. :-) Here's one more though for easy access: "Louder" by both of them!
Flux Pavilion & Doctor P, The Fillmore - Denver, CO
Next up - Pendulum this Wednesday, Pretty Lights on Friday, then Ghostland Observatory and Thievery Corporation on Sunday!!! Fun-filled week I'd say! Stay tuned for the next post. :-)


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Datsik (Raleigh 7/16) & The Glitch Mob (Asheville 7/17)

Hey everybody! I can't believe it. Kevin and I are completely moved into our apartment in Denver, Colorado and we couldn't be more happy and excited. We got our Internet hooked up yesterday (finally), so I'm glad I now have access to my blog again since I haven't gotten the chance to tell about the Datsik and Glitch Mob shows I went to recently in North Carolina.
Datsik in Raleigh, NC at the Lincoln Theatre
Datsik was dat SIK... haha. But no really, I was so happy to finally get to see him without any interruptions because at Ultra and Starscape Music Festivals we didn't get to see his entire set due to other producers playing at the same time. I am a huge dubstep fan, so if you are too then Datsik would be a music producer you definitely should go and see if you get the chance. He didn't play two of my favorite songs of his, "Wake Up Call" and "Southpaw" but he played all of the rest, including "Animale"which Elise Goodrich and I freaked out to the second it came on. :-D Check out my video below of Datsik at the Lincoln Theatre in Raleigh. This video starts out with some Skrillex and ends with one of Datsik's songs called "Gizmo". (Remember to mute my music playlist).
Datsik dove into the crowd TWICE too. YES, in Raleigh! Haha I didn't think the Raleigh crowd would be crazy enough for him but we pulled through! He even mentioned that he was surprised at how pumped up the crowd was (and in the first picture of this blog post you can sort of see I captured one of the jumps). At the end, he stuck around to shake some people's hands and Kevin, being 6'6'', just yelled "YO TROY" (Datsik's name) and he turned around and gave Kevin his full attention which was pretty funny. Fortunately this gave us girls the opportunity to get a picture with him! Needless to say, Datsik was sick in concert and makes sick music. I look forward to his new stuff in the future.
Julianna, Elise, Hanna & me with DATSIK 7/16/11
The next night was The Glitch Mob in Asheville, NC at The Orange Peel, a very well-known venue in the music industry. This was my 5th time seeing these guys, and they have changed up their show in so many ways each time I've seen them (for example they have completely new lights that you can see in the last picture of this post). I also feel personally connected to them (there are 3 guys in the Glitch Mob, Edit, Ooah, and Boreta are their separate producer names) as the first time I saw them in Greensboro, NC over a year ago we all got to meet and talk to them for a while after the show and I've talked to them many times since via social media networks. The crowd was also not very big that first time I saw them, but each time I've seen them it's gotten bigger (not to mention they played before Bassnectar at Bass Center 2 this past February which was a sold out convention center). It is so cool to see how much they've grown over the last year, and I look forward to seeing them expand in this music industry even more in the future. At this specific show, they had a female performer on stage during a few songs. I'm talking like Cirque Du Soleil style female performer, doing crazy exotic dances while swinging and hanging from a curtain! See for yourself in my video below.
Crazy right? She definitely added that extra something to their show! She also knew what the hell she was doing! I'm not sure if she's with them on tour or not, but I'd say it's a pretty clever tactic for The Glitch Mob to do. After the show, the guys stuck around as usual to say hello to their fans, and Elise Goodrich and I lucked out with signed drumsticks from Edit! I'm currently displaying one of these in my new apartment in Denver ;-) haha.. but then of course we asked to take a picture with him, and then we got to take a picture with Boreta too.
Boreta from The Glitch Mob
Edit from The Glitch Mob
If you aren't an extreme bass fan but are interested in chiller upbeat electronic music, I'd definitely recommend The Glitch Mob. These guys just came out with a new EP a few weeks ago called, "We Can Make the World Stop" which you can check out on iTunes or at their website. If you want to hear an oldie but a goodie, listen to "Drive It Like You Stole It". The Glitch Mob has a really interesting style (that is also easy to recognize) and that's another reason why I like them so much. They show you exactly how they make their music right there on stage in front of you and incorporate drums while doing so. They're also SUPER nice. :-)

The Glitch Mob in Asheville, NC at The Orange Peel
Now that I'm a Denver resident I'll be hitting up Flux Pavilion and Doctor P this Saturday night!!! My birthday is Sunday so since I'll be at the show at midnight on Saturday, I'm considering this show my birthday party. :-D Pretty freakin' excited since Flux and Doctor P are two of my favorite music producers. Sick videos and pics will be coming I'm sure! 

Have a great afternoon!